Did you know mental health in young people can be shaped in so many ways? We strive to build positive relationships as teachers and mentors for our young people at MSD!
about 1 month ago, Jessica Bettencourt
Factors that can shape mental health
Melba High School Girls Basketball Team has had to cancel their remaining JVB games due to lack of numbers. Our scheduled JVB games of Wednesday, January 8th and Friday, January 24th will be cancelled. Game times for our Melba games will be 6:00/7:30pm now. Please contact jzarpentine@marsingschools.org with any questions you may have.
2 months ago, Jacob Zarpentine
MES will be getting in the holiday spirit with dress up days next week! Please have your child join us.
3 months ago, Jessica Bettencourt
Holiday Dress Up Days
FINAL REMINDER FOR FAFSA NIGHT TONIGHT, Tuesday, October 15th!! Please come anytime between 5:30-7:30pm. Here is what we are providing tonight: 1. FSA ID Account creation for your FAFSA Application (grant money for college that doesn't have to be paid back) 2. Cap and Gowns can be ordered tonight. 3. Boise State, University of Idaho, and CWI personnel will be available to ask questions. Creating your account early creates way more ease in December when you will fill out the application form. Please contact jzarpentine@marsingschools.org for more questions.
5 months ago, Jacob Zarpentine
Next Tuesday we will host a Financial Aid Night for our graduating seniors and their parents. This night will be directed at creating FSA ID's for the FAFSA Application that opens up in December. We will have representatives from Boise State University, University of Idaho and College of Western Idaho to help you. We will also have Herff Jones with us, who handles all of our ordering for cap and gowns. It is crucial that all senior students and parents attend. A translator will be there for all of our Spanish speaking parents. Parents, you do not need to bring any tax information, just your social security numbers. This will be held from 5:30-7:30pm in the media center. If you have any questions please contact jzarpentine@marsingschools.org.
5 months ago, Jacob Zarpentine
We are currently experiencing technical difficulties. Our phones and emails are currently down, we are working on getting service restored, we are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
5 months ago, MSD
Congratulations to our Middle School A Volleyball Team for making it to the District Tournament! They will play next Monday, October 7th at 4:15pm against Nampa Christian. This game will be at Nampa Christian's Orchard Campus Main Gym. There will be a charge to get in as this is a District Tournament game. Please contact jzarpentine@marsingschools.org for any questions.
5 months ago, Jacob Zarpentine
We are beyond grateful to @StLukesHealth for awarding Marsing School District, Owyhee County Health Coalition, and the City of Marsing a $50,000 Fit One grant! This generous support will help bring our Marsing Fitness Pad to life, promoting health, fitness, and community connection for students and families alike. Thank you for investing in our vision to create a healthier future for our community! #FitOne #HealthyCommunity #MarsingStrong #ThankYou"
6 months ago, MSD
St. Luke's
HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL PARENTS. Reminder that there is a football parent meeting tonight at 7pm in the cafeteria. There will be forms that need to be signed in order for your athlete to play. Dinner will be provided!
7 months ago, Jacob Zarpentine
HUB CLOTHING CLOSET OPEN HOUSE- TUESDAY AUGUST 13th from 2pm-6pm. School families come check out the clothing closet at the HUB pantry tomorrow, then go meet your teacher at the School Open House starting at 4pm. I will be open from 2pm-6pm for school families only. I have some school supplies as well.
7 months ago, Becky Barkell
Weekly Newsletter for Marsing Elementary Families! -Open House -Kindergarten news -Free/Reduced Application & MySchoolBucks Information - First Day of School & Hours
7 months ago, Sara Bell
Newsletter: Open House and First Day of School
👋Hi, Marsing Elementary Huskies, let’s talk about Open House and the First Day of School! 🍎You are invited to join us for Open House on Tuesday, August 13th from 4:00pm-6pm. We will have some fun activities outside, including a community dinner, and of course you will have an opportunity to meet your student’s teachers, visit the student's classroom, and tour the school. We will have transportation information available as well. We hope you will join us. 📓You will find out who your student’s teacher is during open house. Students WILL NOT be placed into a teacher’s classroom until their registration is complete and all documents have been received. 🐾Kindergarten families! We have a large group of students entering kindergarten this year. Please enter the building at the main entrance and anticipate waiting in the “blue gym” as we move students down the K-2 hallway. After visiting the kindergarten classrooms, families will exit out the playground doors to check out that space. If your family is needing to visit other classrooms, please do that first, or re-enter from the front of the building. 🥪We ask that every family complete the Free/Reduced meal application, even if you think you won’t qualify. Some funding is tied to the number of applications completed, regardless of qualifications. Please visit https://www.marsingschools.org/page/child-nutrition. While there, also, please create a MySchoolBucks account. Without funds, our student will not be able to charge more than $10. Meal prices and menus are found on this website as well! 🎉School Starts Wednesday, August 14th! ⏰Students may not be on campus earlier than 7:15am as there is no supervision for them. The first bell rings at 7:50am and the tardy bell at 7:55am. We start our day promptly and want your student to be ready to learn. Our end of day bell rings at 3:15pm for pick ups and walkers, and 3:30pm for bus riders. It is important that your student is present all day, every day. Please strive to have dental and doctor appointments on Friday. If there is a change in the way your student gets home, please call the office at 208-649-5411 BEFORE 1pm, after this time it is very difficult to assure we get the message to your student's teacher. 💙💛We have many new faces at Marsing Elementary - both teachers and students - we are looking forward to welcoming you to the 2024-2025 school year!
7 months ago, Sara Bell
Just a friendly reminder, there is no school Monday January 15th, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day
about 1 year ago, MSD
No School MLK Day Jan 15th 2024
Please join us for a Town Hall Meeting on October 23, 2023 from 6-7pm in the HUB.
over 1 year ago, Jessica Bettencourt
Town Hall
Reunion de la comunidad
Ms. Garcia received the "Extra Yards for Teachers Award" from the Mountain West Conference! Congratulations Ms. Garcia, we appreciate all that you do for our students and school!
over 1 year ago, MSD
Bronco Bold Ambassador School
Marsing Elementary Lost and Found is getting full. Please check in at the office to look over the lost and found for your students missing items.
over 1 year ago, Becky Barkell
lost and found
lost and found
lost and found
lost and found
lost and found
lost and found
lost and found
lost and found
lost and found
lost and found
Last Day for Sports Physicals Today in the HUB! 9am- 2PM Only $20
over 1 year ago, MSD
Student Sports Physicals
Just a reminder the annual FFA plant sale starts today, 5/10/23, at 3:30 First come first served, Cash or Checks only please.
almost 2 years ago, MSD
Join us for our first performance on May 17 at 6:30pm in the Cafeteria. Marsing Middle School Theatre's first performance!
almost 2 years ago, Brian Marshall
Frumpled Fairy Tales
National Honor Society Induction and Officer Induction
almost 2 years ago, Brian Marshall
New inductees
New and old inductees
Outgoing officers
New and old officers
2023-24 NHS Officers