Employment Opportunities
To apply for a desired position select, print, and follow the directions to the appropriate application.
MJSD #363 Certified Salary Schedule
Administrative Positions: Please use this Certified Application + the corresponding materials in the related job posting link below to apply for positions in this category.
Certified Positions: Please use this Certified Application to apply for positions in this category.
25-26 High School Math Teacher (Upper Division)
25-26 High School Science Teacher
Classified Positions: Please use this Classified Application to apply for positions in this category.
Transportation Department: Please use this Transportation Application to apply for positions in this category.
Coaching Positions: Please use this Coaching Application with either a Certified or Classified application, as specified, to apply for positions in this category.
Substitute Teaching Positions: Please use this Substitute Application to apply for positions in this category.
Our substitute teachers are drawn from a pool of qualified candidates on an “as needed” basis. Please feel free to fill out a substitute teaching application to be considered and added to our qualified substitute teacher list. Please note — all substitute teachers must pass a Criminal Background Check. Our substitute daily rate is $103 per day