Marsing 21st CCLC

Ken Price
This is my 12th year in Marsing working with the 21st Century Community Learning Center after school program. I love being able to work with so many Marsing youth and watching them progress through school. I grew up in Boise and think our Treasure Valley is one of the best places in the world to live. The 21st CCLC program has been able to provide afterschool activities for about 120 kids daily each of these last 10 years. For the last six years 21st CCLC funding has been able to provide our Extended Day Kindergarten to Marsing youth and families. If your child has been in Kindergarten in Marsing during the last six years, they have been in the after school program!
I graduated from Boise State University with a BA in Political Science and a Masters of Public Administration. Before coming to Marsing, I worked for the international sport federation of Modern Pentathlon and the International Pentathlon Foundation. I was primarily involved with their World Cup Marketing and Olympic Hospitality Programs from 1995 to 2005.
My wife Kim teaches 7th grade Life Science in Meridian. We have 3 sons, ages 27, 22 and 13. Our 27 year old son is married, has 3 rowdy children and works in real estate in Boise. Our 22 year old is serving in Kuwait as a Marine. Our 13 year old loves sports and is looking forward to being done with school.
We are busy with his sport schedule, church activities and being together with our extended family. Please feel free to contact me with any suggestions on how we can improve our 21st CCLC program. We want to serve Marsing families, children and the community in any way we can.